Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The virtues of Islamic Knowledge

A—h the Exhalted has said:
"And say, Oh My Lord, increase me in my knowledge."

"And (unto then Oh Muhammad (SAW)), 'Are those who know equal to those who don't know?"

"Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have knowledge to high ranks." (58:11)

"The knowledgeable among His servants fear Allah alone". (35:28)

Hadhrat Muawiyah (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said:
“When A—h desires good for someone, He gives Him the understanding of Deen”. (Bukhari/Muslim)

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said:
“If a person follows a path to seek knowledge, A—h makes easy for him the path to Paradise.” (Muslim)

Hadhrat Anas (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) said:
"A person who goes (out of his house to seek knowledge) he is on A—h’s path and remain so until he returns”. (Tirmidhi)

These are just a few Ahadith in light of seeking Islamic knowledge as listing all of them would not be possible. So we must realise how fortunate each one of us is to be in an Islamic institution, learning about our sacred religion.

Islam teaches us to seek Islamic knowledge. The Prophet (SAW) explained that as well as it being an obligation upon every male and female Muslim, the superiority of a person who has knowledge over the one who merely worships is like the superiority of the moon over every other heavenly body. So seeking knowledge is not only our duty but is one that brings great reward.
The one who points towards something good us like the one who does it, i.e. they are both equal in reward. When the knowledgeable person passes away, their reward with A—h does not end; rather it continues to increase as long as people benefit from that knowledge.

The Prophet (SAW) said,
"When a man dies, all his good deeds come to an end except for three; ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who prays for him." (Muslim)

Ibn Al Qayyim (RH) said:
There are six stages to acquiring Islamic knowledge:
- Asking questions in a good manner
- Remaining quiet and listening well 
- Understanding well
- Memorising
- Teaching or spreading knowledge
- Acting upon the knowledge and keeping to its limits

It is also very important that you never challenge the Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (SAW) because the consequences can be very severe.
A person without knowledge is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness. Most likely his steps will be faulty and he can easily be deceived by Shaytaan. This shows that our greatest danger lays in our ignorance of Islamic teachings and our unawareness of what the Quran teaches and what guidance has been given by Prophet (SAW). But if we are blessed with the light of knowledge we will be able to plainly see the path if Islam at every step of our lives.

REMEMBER Our main purpose of acquiring Islamic knowledge is to bring us closer to A—h. It is not simply for the satisfaction of the mind.

May the Almighty give us all the ability to use what we learn to attain His Pleasure and to teach it to other people so that we can become His true servants..Ameen..

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