It is
commonly known that Surah Yaseen is the “heart” of the Quran.
Why is this?
In our
bodies, the heart is considered to be the most important organ. It supplies the
entire body with blood to keep us functioning. Without the heart, the body
cannot live. It is to emphasise the great importance of Surah Yaseen that it is
called the “heart” of the Quran.
reading Surah Yaseen comes with many benefits which true believers must not
miss out on.
Surah Yaseen is a Makkan surah, revealed during the
time the Messenger of Allah (SAW) lived in Makkah.
• Tawhid (the Oneness of Allaah)
• Risalah (that he is a messenger sent by Allah to
guide all of creation and he receives divine revelation)
• The reality of the al-Aakhirah and what will be
encountered therein.
Surah Ya-Sin’s (36) placement within the mus-haf, it
follows Saba (34) and Faatir (35) which are also Makkan Surahs. Saba and Faatir
are also Makkan Surahs so there focus is to discuss Tawhid, Risalah, and Al-Aakhirah.
Ya-Sin continues with these themes, but it takes a
different tone. It starts by focusing more heavily on the Prophethood of
Muhammad (SAW). Faatir did discuss the Prophethood and the importance of believing
in the Messenger of Allah (SAW), but mainly focuses on Tawhid. Surah Ya-Sin
places a heavy emphasis on the Prophethood of Muhammad (SAW).
There are many Ahaadith which talk about the benefits of reading
Surah Yaseen. In today’s Halqah, we shall take a look at several hadith which
mention the benefits of reading Surah Yaseen.
are some of the benefits of reading Surah Yaseen?
Reading Surah Yaseen at the beginning of the day causes Allah to fulfil all
your needs for that day.
‘Ataa’ bin Abi Ribaah (RA) says that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is reported to have
said, “ Whoever reads Surah Yaseen in the beginning of the day, all his needs
for that day are fulfilled.”
Reading Surah Yaseen is equivalent to reading the whole Quran 10 times.
has a heart and the heart of the Glorious Quran is Surah Yaseen. Whoever reads
Surah Yaseen, Allah records for them a reward equal to that of reading the
whole Quran 10 times.” [Maqal, Tirmidhi 2812/A &Dhahabi]
Reading Surah Yaseen and memorising Surah Yaseen invokes the blessings of
It is
said that Allah recited Surah Yaseen and Surah Taha 1000 years before the
creation of Heaven and Earth, and upon hearing this, the angels said, “Blessing
is for the Ummah unto whom the Quran will be sent down; blessing is for the
hearts that will memorise it, and blessing is for the tongues that will recite
Reading Surah Yaseen invokes the mercy of Allah to forgive your sins.
reads Surah Yaseen for the pleasure of Allah alone, all his earlier sins are
forgiven. Therefore make a practice of reading this Surah over your dead.”

Reading Surah Yaseen benefits the reader in this life as well as in the
to one hadith, Surah Yaseen is named in the Torah as “Mun’imah” i.e. Giver of
Good Things. This is because it contains benefits of the reader both in this
world and the next. It removes from them the afflictions of this worlds and the
next. Surah Yaseen also takes away the dread of the next life. [Hashiya (footnote)
of Tafsir Jalalalayn, pg 368].
Reading Surah Yaseen exalts the status of the believers both in this world and
the next.
Yaseen is also known as “Raafi’ahKhaafidhah” i.e. that which exalts the status
of the believers and degrades the unbelievers. According to a Riwayat
(narration), Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “My heart desires that Surah Yaseen
should be present in the heart of everyone of my ummah.” So memorise Surah
Yaseen to reap its benefits.
Ghazali (RH) has said,
of faith rests on acknowledging resurrection and judgment."
Since Surah
Yaseen talks about both resurrection and judgement in a detailed manner, it
contains so many virtues.
Reading Surah Yaseen causes you to die as a Shaheed.
to one hadith, if anyone recites Surah Yaseen every night and then dies, they
die as a Shaheed (martyr).
Reading Surah Yaseen wipes out sins, alleviates hunger and guides the lost.
reads Surah Yaseen is forgiven; whoever reads it in hunger is satisfied;
whoever reads it having lost their way, finds their way; whoever reads it on
losing an animal, finds it. When one reads it apprehending that their food will
run short, that food becomes sufficient. If one reads it beside a person who is
in the throes of death, these are made easy for them. If anyone reads it on a
woman experiencing difficulty in child-birth, her delivery becomes easy.”
Tibi explained in his commentary on Mishkat al-Masabih that Surah Yaseen was
called ‘the Heart of the Quran "because of what it contains of
overwhelming proofs, decisive signs, subtle spiritual meanings, eloquent
admonition, and stern warning."
Maqri (RH)
said, “If Surah Yaseen is read by one who fears the ruler or an enemy, one gets
rid of this fear.”
Reading Surah Yaseen makes your dua’s to be answered.
to one hadith, if somebody reads Surah Yaseen and Surah Was-Saaffaat on Friday
and begs Allah something, their prayer is granted.
Read Surah Yaseen in the night for all your sins to be forgiven.
Prophet said, ‘Whoever recited Surah Yasin in the night seeking Allah’s
pleasure, Allah would forgive him’ [Ibn Hibban, Darimi 3283/A, Abu Yala,
Tabarani, Baihaqi& Ibn Mardawaih]
Masha Allah. very helpful info.