The word Dua means to
directly ask A—h for something. There is nothing that A—h cannot do, therefore
Dua is basically the means of asking the Creator to do something. A—h is
capable of doing everything imaginable and the things that are beyond human
comprehension. The Prophet (SAW) used to turn to A—h for every matter, be it
big or small.

In Islam, there is no requirement for a go-between
person (meaning someone to communicate your Duas for you) – Although you can
get someone to make Dua for you. The Prophet (SAW) made dua for everyone;
Muslims, Non-Muslims, Old, Young, the living and the dead, for himself out of
humility and sincerity.
Every Prophet (AS) had one guaranteed dua in their
lifetime; Prophet (SAW) has reserved his for the Day of Judgement. He has used
it for the Intercession of the Ummat on the Day of Judgement.
He is the One who hears and answers the weeping of the
oppressed, the cry of the hurt and call of the one who is lost. He is the One
who showers his Blessings and Love on His Creation, as He is the One who is
more Merciful to His servant than a mother is to her child.
In the Quran, A—h says:
“And when My servant asks you (Oh Muhammad [SAW])
regarding Me, Indeed I am near, I respond to the prayer of the caller whenever
he calls on Me.
let them obey and believe in Me so that they might be led the right way.”
Baqarah: 186
This encourages us to humbly repent and ask from A—h
with full determination, and in the appropriate way. A—h wants his servants to
ask Him for their needs so that He can help them stay on the right path.
Our Prophet (SAW) has explained that when you make dua:
- It is either accepted
- It is delayed until the Hereafter (so
it will be seen as a mountain of reward)
- A calamity is removed from you
When a person supplicates to A—h the soul feels the
light of the Lord, he feels at ease and safe. He feels safe and close to A—h
and knows that he is heard by the Almighty. By making dua, success and pleasure
become norm. Wishes and aims are gained.
Secondly Dua is obeying A—h’s order:
“And your Lord has said: ‘Call to Me, I shall answer
your prayer. Verily those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell,
despised and disgraced’”. Surah
Gaafir: 60
So from this, we learn that Dua is a form of worship and is the most honourable and excellent forms of worship. This is why Dua is very important in every situation. Make Dua to A—h continuously for every occasion, even if it be for a shoe lace. Think of it like this, whenever anything happens in your life, whether big or small, see it as an opportunity to pray to A—h; even just saying Alhamdulillah or SubhanA—h is sufficient. If you have any needs to ask for, then pray for what you want.
Remember to include others in your Duas as well,
because it has been mentioned in a Hadith, that the dua for those who are
absent, is most readily accepted; this could be for your classmates, your
Ustaads, those who are suffering in the world and even those who have passed
It has been mentioned in another Hadith that (to the
nearest meaning):
“He who prays for the deceased, then A—h will send
someone to make Dua for that you once you pass away”.
For the best chance of having our duas accepted,
follow these etiquettes:
- Your food is Halal and from Halal
means. How can A—h accept a person’s dua when his food, drink and clothes are

- Honour the sanctities of A—h (Follow
His commands)
- Pay full attention to A—h
- Abstain from sinning, either openly or
- Make a habit to seek forgiveness for
yourself and all the Muslims, especially for your teachers and parents
- Do a good deed prior to making dua
- Be in the state of whudu, if possible
- Face the Qibla
- Start the dua with praising A—h and
end with Durood
- Do not give up if there is a delay in
the acceptance of the Dua
- Do not make dua for Haram things
- Make dua in the Sajdah position
The Prophet (SAW) said:
“The servant is nearest to his Lord when prostrating to Him, so make supplication in this state” (Muslim)
“The servant is nearest to his Lord when prostrating to Him, so make supplication in this state” (Muslim)
Some of the best times to make dua:
- The time just before Fajr
- The last third of the night
- The last hour of Friday
- When the rain is falling
- Between Adhaan and Iqaamah
- At the end of every Fardh Salaat
- Whilst drinking Zam Zam
- Making dua for an absent Muslim
Make it a habit to read Wazifahs daily (The 40
Rabannas, Hizb ul Azam etc). Even a wird (habit) of Zikr is greatly beneficial.
Why does it sometimes feel that our duas are not
We commit sins but don’t feel that this could be a
reason why our duas are failing to be answered. We expect them to be answered
before we have even finished them!
The Prophet Ayyub (AS)‘s dua was accepted after 70
years!! But not once did he become disheartened or hasty.
Sometimes we ask A—h for things that may not be the
best for us. A—h, through His infinite wisdom, decides what is best for us.
Then, when we look back, we realise that it is actually the better situation
that our duas were not accepted.
A—h loves to see his servants crying and begging in
front of Him, so we should see a delay in acceptance as an opportunity to cry
in front of A—h even more.
We must remember the Hadith: “Dua is the weapon of a
A—h when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, then help me to
remember that Your love is always greater than my disappointments, and Your
plans for my life are always better than my dreams”
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