Sunday, 23 February 2014


“Gaining knowledge is compulsory upon every Believer”
“The Ulama (Scholars) are the inheritors of the Prophets”

We hear these Ahadith over and over again but fail to pay heed to their message. As students of Deen, it is vital that we internalise the beauty contained within. The 7/8 years we spend in Madrassah should be the turning point in our lives such that we leave a different person to the one that first entered the door. It should be a process whereby we implement the pearls of wisdom from the Quran and Hadith.

The most important thing to consider is our Niyyah (intention). Why are we here? Initially your answer may be ‘Because my parents sent me’, but as time goes on, we understand that this is not the case. A—h has through His Mercy, chosen us to be the inheritors of the Prophets (AS) and to be a role model for our society. Bear in mind that our intention should be sincere and from the heart.

What is Ilm?
Islamic knowledge is what we do to better ourselves by avoiding sin and striving to do good deeds and not merely what we memorise or the words we learn.
It could be said that Ilm is the asset which not only increases one’s knowledge but also makes his heart pure and keeps it protected from evils. It teaches the heart and soul to live according to the commands of A—h and through it we can benefit our community.

Knowledge regarding the Almighty is the best form of knowledge because through it we can understand our Creator and thus gain closeness to Him.

It has been mentioned in a Hadith:
“To seek knowledge is compulsory upon every (Male and Female) Muslim”.

Abu Zar (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) once told him:
“Oh Abu Zar, if you go in the morning and learn one Ayah from the Book of A—h, it will be better than offering 100 rakaats of Nafl Salaah. And if you learn one chapter of Islamic knowledge, it will be better than offering 1000 rakaats of Nafl Salaah.”

In another Hadith, it has been mentioned:
“An Aalim (scholar) enforces a much greater task upon Shaytaan than a thousand pious men”

You may ask yourselves, Why is this?
The answer is that Shaytaan will find it relatively easy to lure the pious away from Islam compared to a person who has learned and studied Islam.

Once an argument took place in Barsa about Ilm and whether or not it was better than wealth. Eventually they asked Hadhrat Ibn Abaas (RA) who agreed that Ilm is worth more. When asked why, he replied: “Knowledge us a safeguard for man whereas a man has to protect his wealth.”
A—h gives wealth to all but only knowledge to His Beloved. When a man dies, he leaves behind all his wealth and will be judged according to how he spent his wealth. Whereas with knowledge, a person’s status increases in Paradise for every Hadith he learns.

Always remember that no matter how hard life becomes and how many difficulties a man has to face in life, his Ilm will always be there for him to turn to. Whereas wealth is here today, gone tomorrow and may never return.

How should the one seeking knowledge behave?
We should always be aware of this amazing status that A—h has bestowed on us and act in accordance to it, we should try to emulate the example of the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahaaba (RA) in all our actions and be wary of the way we behave. We should also remember that if we do not appreciate through our deeds this blessing will be taken from us.

May the Almighty grant us the ability to not only learn the knowledge of Deen but also act upon it..Ameen..

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