Sunnats of Eating:
To wash hands before eating

- To sit on a Dastarkhan
- Eat in a group if possible, there is more Barakah
- To recite Bismillah and the Dua before eating
- To eat with three fingers (thumb, index and middle) of the RIGHT hand
- To sit in Tashahud position and not to lean (this is a sign of pride) or sit cross legged (this increases the space in the stomach and makes you eat more)
- Do not eat food when it is too hot, wait for it to cool down BUT DO NOT blow on it (bacteria and germs that you breath out will be transferred onto it)
- Only take on your plate what you can eat, if needed you can take more
- Don't eat to your fill. One third of your stomach should be for food, one third for water and one third left for air
- Eat from your side of the plate (Not from the middle); if there is a variety in one plate then you can choose
- If any food drops on the floor, pick it up, pray Bismillah, blow on it and eat it
- Drink throughout the meal, this aids digestion
- Drink with your right hand, taking three sips and to not breath into the cup
- Make sure no food is wasted!! This is a form of great inconsideration and disregard of A—h’s blessings!! Think that the poor people of the world who could eat to their full with what you leave behind!!
- Wipe your plate clean and lick your fingers (middle, ring, small/pinkie, index and lastly thumb) after eating
- Meals should not be eaten in silence, it is encouraged to talk, but the topics should be suitable. BASICALLY, DON'T SPEAK ABOUT ANYTHING THAT WILL "PUT YOU OFF YOUR FOOD"
- If you don't like the food or any part of the meal, do not complain.
Abu Hurairah (RA) reports that the Prophet (SAW) never expressed his dislike of a food. If he liked it he ate it, if he disliked it he would set it aside
- When passing food, pass from the right hand side, even if a child is sitting there and an elder/respected person on the left
- Pray the dua after you have finished eating
- When hands are to be washed, the elder or noble person should be asked to go first
- Cover any leftover food or food that you are sending to other people
- If you have been invited for a meal, make a dua for your hosts to show your appreciation
- Eat in a group if possible, there is more Barakah
- To recite Bismillah and the Dua before eating
- To eat with three fingers (thumb, index and middle) of the RIGHT hand
- To sit in Tashahud position and not to lean (this is a sign of pride) or sit cross legged (this increases the space in the stomach and makes you eat more)
- Do not eat food when it is too hot, wait for it to cool down BUT DO NOT blow on it (bacteria and germs that you breath out will be transferred onto it)
- Only take on your plate what you can eat, if needed you can take more
- Don't eat to your fill. One third of your stomach should be for food, one third for water and one third left for air
- Eat from your side of the plate (Not from the middle); if there is a variety in one plate then you can choose
- If any food drops on the floor, pick it up, pray Bismillah, blow on it and eat it
- Drink throughout the meal, this aids digestion
- Drink with your right hand, taking three sips and to not breath into the cup
- Make sure no food is wasted!! This is a form of great inconsideration and disregard of A—h’s blessings!! Think that the poor people of the world who could eat to their full with what you leave behind!!
- Wipe your plate clean and lick your fingers (middle, ring, small/pinkie, index and lastly thumb) after eating
- Meals should not be eaten in silence, it is encouraged to talk, but the topics should be suitable. BASICALLY, DON'T SPEAK ABOUT ANYTHING THAT WILL "PUT YOU OFF YOUR FOOD"
- If you don't like the food or any part of the meal, do not complain.
Abu Hurairah (RA) reports that the Prophet (SAW) never expressed his dislike of a food. If he liked it he ate it, if he disliked it he would set it aside
- When passing food, pass from the right hand side, even if a child is sitting there and an elder/respected person on the left
- Pray the dua after you have finished eating
- When hands are to be washed, the elder or noble person should be asked to go first
- Cover any leftover food or food that you are sending to other people
- If you have been invited for a meal, make a dua for your hosts to show your appreciation
Remember that just by doing the above and having the intention of following the Sunnat, the simple act of preparing to go to sleep and sleeping itself becomes an act of worship..
the Almighty give us all the ability to act upon the Sunnat so that we attain
not only reward but also the love of the Prophet (SAW)..Ameen..
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