Sunnats and Etiquettes of Sleeping
· Sleep early. Refrain from worldly talk after Esha. The
main reason being so that you can get up for Fajr
· There have been various narrations on what a person
must pray before sleeping:

1. Surah Mulk
2. Surah Sajdah
3. Last ruku of Surah Baqarah (from A’amana Rasoolu)
4. Ayat ul Kursi
5. The four Quls (then blow on your hands and pass over
all your body)
6. Durood Sharif
7. Kalimah (in particular the 1st before sleeping)
8. Tasbih e Fatima (33 x SubhanA—h, 33 x Alhamdulillah
and 33 x A—h Akbar)
· Cover all foodstuffs and drinks
· Lock all doors, ensuring the house is safe
· Extinguish all fires
· It is Mustahab to sleep in the state of whudu
· Alongside brushing your teeth, do miswaak
· Change your clothes
· Before going to sleep, dust your bedding thrice
· Sleep on your right hand side, head towards the Qibla,
right hand under the cheek and knees bent slightly
· Do not sleep on your stomach
· If you have a bad dream, then pray Ta’awuzh and blow
or spit lightly on the left side. Do not tell anyone about it until three days
have passed
Sunnats and Etiquettes of Awakening
· It is Sunnat to rub your eyes with the heel of your
palms upon awakening
· Pray the Kalimah and the Awakening dua
· Wash your hands thrice
· Do Miswaak and Whudu
· Read Surah Yasin (this ensures that your needs for the
day will be fulfilled)
· Comb your hair and wear your clothes from the right
hand side
Remember that just by doing the above and having the
intention of following the Sunnat, the simple act of preparing to go to sleep
and sleeping itself becomes an act of worship..
May the Almighty give us all the ability to act upon
the Sunnat so that we attain not only reward but also the love of the Prophet
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