A—h has stated in the Quran:
“Worship A—h and do not join partners with him and be good to your parents, relatives,
orphans and poor people, and neighbours and travellers and slaves”.
Nisa’a: 36)
It has been narrated by Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Masud
(RA) ‘I asked the Prophet (SAW) “What is the most beloved deed?” Prophet (SAW)
replied: “The most beloved act is to pray Salah on time”. Then I asked “What next?” He (SAW) said: “Respecting/Being good your
Then I asked “What next?” He (SAW) said: “Doing Jihad
in the path of A—h”. (Sahih Bukhari)
From the above ayah and Hadith we can see how
important it is to respect our parents; parents have been mentioned right after
worshipping A—h. And the Prophet (SAW) has given preference to one’s parents
over Jihad. This is why scholars have said that from all the Rights of People
(Huquq al Ibad) the rights of the parents are most superior.
The rewards that A—h has kept for a person who
respects and is towards their parents are beyond comprehension. For
example if someone just looks at their parents with love, A—h will give them a
rewards equal to 1 Hajj and 1 Umrah.
It has been stated in a Hadith that a companion of the
Prophet (SAW) came to him and he requested, ‘Oh Prophet of A—h, I wish to go in
the path of A—h and do Jihad so that A—h gets happy with me and so that I can
attain the reward.
The Prophet (SAW) asked: “Are you really going for the
reward?” He replied: “Yes, only for the reward”.
The Prophet (SAW) asked him: “Are your parents alive?”
He replied: “Yes, my parents are alive”. The Prophet (SAW) said: “Go and help
your parents if you want reward. Help your parents and gain the same amount of
reward as the reward for Jihad”.
By the consensus of the Ulama being obedient to ones
parents is Fardh; if your parents order you to do something then to obey as
long as the order is not against the Shariah. Scholars have said that
there are many bad effects of not obeying ones parents; one is that the person
is denied the Kalimah at the time of their death.
It has also been mentioned in the Quran: http://quran.com/17/24-25
good to your parents, whether one or both of them attain old age, do not even
say ‘Oof’ to them, do not scold them or and talk to them nicely and with
Israa: 24-25)

Kindness to parents has been outlined by the scholars
as the following:
- He should place the pleasure of his parents
above the pleasure of anyone else, including himself and his wife and kids.
They MUST come first-no matter what
- He should obey then in everything they command
or forbid, whether it agrees with his desires or not, as long as they do not go
against the commands of A—h
- He should present them with everything he feels
they desire, whether they ask for it or not. He should present it with
kindness, mercy and understanding.
We all want A—h to enter us into Jannat. Look down and
you will find Paradise at the feet of your mother.
During the funeral of his mother, Al Haarith al Aklee
(RA) wept: When asked for the reason behind his tears he said, “Why should I
not cry when one of my doors to Paradise is now closed?”
This dua should be recited frequently: http://quran.com/17/24
Irham huma Kama Rabayaanee Sageera”
“My Lord, Have
mercy on them as they did when I was young”. Surah Isra’a: 24
May the Almighty forgive us and our parent’s and
reward them by elevating their position in this world and the
Hereafter. And make us amongst those who realise their true worth before
they depart from this world..Ameen..
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