Saturday, 22 February 2014

Rights of the Creator

The most essential right that man must fulfill is the rights of his Creator; A—h who has the most important rights of all.
A—h is the only One who grants all the graces since man was a baby in his mother’s womb, where no one was capable of providing sufficient food and nourishment, except Him. And after birth, it is He who gave your mother milk with which you were nourished, and then suitable foods in accordance to your age.
Moreover, it is He who placed love, tender care, compassion and love in your parent’s hearts to employ all what they have for your comfort and well-being in the early stages of your life when you needed care and shelter.

Furthermore, He is the One who provided you with natural intelligence, energy, strength etc. To care for yourself and for others.

A—h states in the Holy Quran:
“And A—h has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful”.
Surah Nahl:78

Just imagine, if A—h stopped His virtuous care for a few moments or even the glimpse of an eye, then the whole world would collapse and cease to exist. It is because of the Mercy and Blessings of A—h to us that we have come into existence today.

A—h does not ask us for anything in return, His gifts and Bounties are offered generously without limitation, as He grants to all who believe in Him AND those who do not. He requires no favour from us, nor does He demand any provisions such as food or drink, as He is neither in need of nourishment, nor in need of us for any reason.

The ONLY thing A—h asks from us – which, if you think about it, is in our best interests – is to worship Him and Him ALONE.

A—h mentions in the Quran:
 “And I did not create Jinn or Mankind except to worship Me. I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want them to feed Me. Indeed, it is A—h who is the Continual Provider, the firm possessor of Strength.”

A—h demands complete obedience and slavery for Him and man must present themselves in front of their Lord with humility and submission, without questioning anything that A—h wills for the Creation, as only A—h knows the wisdom behind such actions.

Our worship is for our benefit; they remove minor sins and increase the rewards given for other actions. The essence of this belief is love and respect. Meanwhile, the result is dedication, sincerity and full devotion to truth, justice and honest practise.

The Prophet (SAW) told a man called Imran bin Al Hussain (RA), who was ill at the time, “Offer your Fardh Salaat whilst standing, if you cannot do that then offer it sitting and if you cannot do that then lying down”. (Abu Dawood)

The natural right of A—h is to worship Him alone and wholeheartedly. Consequently all the matters related to it, in terms of full belief, Salaat, Zakaat, fasting and Hajj, must be practised, observed and maintained on a regular basis.
Remember! This is easy to fulfil and the rewards are immense, so do not be lazy!!

“Every soul shall taste death, and you will only be given your full compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So He who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained.
And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of illusion”
Surah Aal e Imran: 158

May the Almighty grant us all the ability to worship Him in the way that pleases Him, We pray that A–h removes the distractions of this temporary worldly life so that we focus on our true aim, the Hereafter..Ameen..

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