Saturday, 28 March 2015

The Importance of Durood

Through the medium of the Quraan, Allah SWT has instructed us to carry out various acts of worship, for example, Establish Salaat, Pay Zakaat or to fast in the month of Ramadhan.
Even though Allah SWT has commanded us to do these, never has it been mentioned that He prays or that He fasts or that He gives Zakaat.
However there is one commandment that is unique, one in which Allah SWT Himself affirms His own participation: 


Indeed Allah and His Angels send blessings onto the Messenger SAW.

Oh you who believe, confer your blessings also and (ask Allah to) grant Him peace.

The fact that Allah Himself participates in the act of sending Durood upon the Messenger SAW highlights the importance of this act.

There are many Ahadith which mention the Prophet SAW’s request to send Blessings upon Him and how we should confer Salaat which will Allah willing, be mentioned below.

 In Imam Bukhari RH’s Tafseer of the abovementioned Ayah, he records that Ka’ab bin Ujrah RA said, “It was asked of the Messenger SAW of how Salaah should be sent upon Him as the Sahaabah RA knew the method of sending Salaam.” Prophet SAW replied,
“Say, Oh Allah SWT, send your Salaah upon Muhammad SAW and upon the family of Muhammad SAW, as You send Your Salaah upon the family of Ibrahim AS, verily You are the Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.
Oh Allah SWT send your Blessings upon Muhammad SAW and upon the family of Muhammad SAW, as You send Your Blessings upon the family of Ibrahim AS, verily You are the Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.”

In another Hadith, this has been explained in further detail;
When this Ayah was revealed, the Sahaabah RA said, “Oh Messenger SAW, we now come to know of the manner of reciting Salaam upon You as we recite in Tahiyyaat:
            السلام عليك أيها النبي و رحمت الله و بركاته

‘Peace be upon You, Oh Messenger SAW and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings.’
“Please show us how to recite Salaah upon You.”
The Prophet SAW then recited Durood Ibrahim AS.

It has been mentioned by Abul ‘Aliyah RA in a narration that “Salaah refers to praise of the Prophet SAW in front of the Angels by Allah SWT and the Salaat of the Angels is their supplication for Him.” [Bukhari]

Imam Tirmidhi RH said, “This (the above) has been narrated from Sufyaan Thawri RH and other scholars who have said, “The Salaah of the Lord is Mercy and the Salaah of the Angels is their seeking forgiveness.””

In another narration it has been mentioned that “Salaah is the honouring of the Messenger SAW with kindness and affection by Allah SWT.” [Fadhail Salaat ala Nabi SWT – Sh.Zakarriyah RH]

Hadhrat Ibn Abaas RA in his Tafseer (commentary) of the above Ayah states that “Salaah means to pray for blessings.” The Angels sending Dua can also be referred to as “their Dua in favour of the Prophet SAW for a higher rank.” [Ruh ul Bayaan]

It has also been mentioned in Ruh ul Bayaan that one interpretation of Salaah is “Following in His SAW’s footsteps and expressing love for Him”.

‘Allamah Sakhaawi RH has narrared on the authority of Amr bin Rabi’ RH that the Messenger of Allah SAW said, “Whosoever confers Salaah upon me once, Allah SWT confers ten mercies upon him. It is at your discretion to confer as little or as much as you wish.” [Fadhail Salaat ala Nabi SWT – Sh.Zakarriyah RH]

This concludes a basic outline of this great and unique instruction of the Quraan, to send Salawaat and Durood upon our Beloved Messenger SAW.
The above can be summarised through the understanding of the following:
-         The Ayah is a unique commandment due to the fact that Allah SWT Himself participates in Durood
-         The Angels participate in this virtuous act
-         The Believers have been honoured with the ability to join Allah and the Angels to confer their own Durood
-         For one Durood recited, the recite gets ten mercies conferred upon him by Allah SWT

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