Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
'To God belongs 99 names, 100 minus 1,
anyone who memorises them will enter Paradise; He (God) is odd (odd number, he
is the Only One), and He loves odd numbers (such as 99)' [Sahih Muslim]
The first man Adam (AS) was taught the names of everything.
"Teaching names means making man conscious of the essence of these things. This consciousnes implies full knowledge. Full knowledge is impossible without the essence becoming part and parcle of the being.
By studying the manes of Allah, a person with (insha'Allah) understand Allah and the essence of things.

99 names are those names by which Muslims regard as Allah. The Quran and
hadeeth have mentioned these names. There is one narration by Abdullah ibn
Mas’ud in which he states that some names have been hidden from mankind.
[Taymiyyah]. This shows that other than the 99 names, there may be other names
of Allah.
According to Islamic tradition, a Muslim may not be given any of the 99 names of God
in exactly the same form. For example, nobody may be named al-Malik (The King),
but may be named Malik (King). This
is because of the belief that God is almighty, and no human being is the
equivalent of God, and no human being will ever be the equivalent of God.
Muslims are allowed to use the 99 names of God for themselves but should not
put 'Al' at the front of them.
However the names of God can be combined with the word "‘Abd-"
which means "servant/Worshiper" (of God) and are commonly used as personal names among Muslims.
For example ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān ("Servant
of the Most Compassionate/the Beneficent").
Tips on how to memorise Asmaa’
ul Husnaa
have the correct intention and don’t think this as a burden!
the names you learn continuously everywhere (except when in the toilet)
home and make your family members memorise the names you learnt
your friends by testing them at random times!
Allah accept our
efforts and make memorising his names easy for all of us. Ameen.
Ar-Rahmaan (The
Compassionate) - Only he
is the one who can provide mercy and good for his creations. If this name is
recited 100 times daily after each Salaah, hard-heartedness and negligence will
be removed from your heart. Insha’ Allah
Al – Gafoor
(The Forgiver and Hider of faults)
– He who has a headache, fever and despondent, and continuously repeats this
name will be relieved of his ailment and will have Allah’s forgiveness.
Al – Hafeez
(The Preserver) - He who
repeats this name frequently and keeps it with him will be protected against
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