"He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent."
Abu Musa al Ash'ari (RA) reports:
I asked the Prophet (SAW), "Who is the most excellent among the Muslims?"

There are countless more Ahadith that mention the importance of keeping a check on our tongues. The crux of the matter is that, our tongues can either be a means of our entrance into Jannah or the Hellfire. With it, we can either gain the Pleasure of Allah or His Anger.
Below are some of the main sins committed by the tongue and what has been said regarding them:
- Lying
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) has said:
"Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil deeds and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (fasting)." (Sahih Bukhari)
Abdullah (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) said,
"Truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling lies until be becomes a truthful person.
Falsehood leads to Al-Fajur (wickedness/evildoing) and Al-Fajur (wickedness) leads to Hellfire and a man may keep on telling lies until he is written before Allah a liar. (Bukhari)
On the other hand, the Prophet (SAW) was such an honest person that he gained the title of As-Sadiq (The Honest) and Al-Amin (The Trustworthy) long before Prophethood. Even the Kufaar knew that He (SAW) was preaching the truth, but it was their pride and fear of rejection and ties to their tribe/ancestors that prevented them from accepting Islam.
- Cursing
Cursing someone is when you wish badly for someone. The effects of this can be very grave, especially if it is not deserved. It has been mentioned in a Hadith (to the nearest meaning):
"Whenever a person curses another, the curse travels up to the skies and if the person is deserving of it then it is accepted and if not then it goes back to the person who initially said it."
- Backbiting
"Backbiting is when a person speaks of another that he would dislike it and if it is not true then indeed you have slandered him."
It has been mentioned in the Quran:
"Oh you who Believe, avoid suspicion, indeed some suspicion is sin. And spy not on one another nor backbite. Would (one of) you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother. Nay you would detest it!! And fear Allah, verily Allah is the One who accepts repentance, (He is) Most Merciful." (49:12)
Remember that backbiting is not only done with the tongue, any gesture of the hands or eyes can be considered as backbiting.
Backbiting violates both the rights of people and of Allah. This is because when a person backbites they do not only have to ask Allah for forgiveness but from the person, since Allah will not forgive until the person has forgiven. If the person who one has wronged is no longer alive or is untraceable then dua must be made for them.
Anas (RA) reports that the Prophet (SAW) said, "Ransom must be paid for backbiting, this is to make dua for their forgiveness by saying, 'Oh Allah forgive my sins and and his/her sins too'."
During Miraaj, the Prophet (SAW) saw people who had nails made out of copper and were tearing at their faces and chests. The Prophet (SAW) asked Jibraeel (AS) about them. He said, "they are being punished because they used to eat the flesh of others (i.e. they used to backbite)."
NOTE: Listening to others backbite is the same as backbiting yourself; either stop them or walk away from the situation.
Just think, how would we feel if we heard someone backbiting about us?
We often passionatley defend pourselves yet are quick to point out the faults in others without giving our own flaws any consideration. We hate being spoken about (unless it is good!) but without thinking we backbite about others. We should bring the fear of Allah into our hearts and think before speaking.
Also, saying "I can say it to her face if I wanted to" is no excuse at all!!
Remember, that if you backbite about someone and they do not forgive you, then on the Day of Judgement, that person can take away all of your good deeds and give you their bad deeds..
Think, is it really worth it??
Below are some of the main sins committed by the tongue and what has been said regarding them:
- Lying
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) has said:
Abdullah (RA) narrates that Prophet (SAW) said,
"Truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling lies until be becomes a truthful person.
Falsehood leads to Al-Fajur (wickedness/evildoing) and Al-Fajur (wickedness) leads to Hellfire and a man may keep on telling lies until he is written before Allah a liar. (Bukhari)
On the other hand, the Prophet (SAW) was such an honest person that he gained the title of As-Sadiq (The Honest) and Al-Amin (The Trustworthy) long before Prophethood. Even the Kufaar knew that He (SAW) was preaching the truth, but it was their pride and fear of rejection and ties to their tribe/ancestors that prevented them from accepting Islam.
- Cursing
Cursing someone is when you wish badly for someone. The effects of this can be very grave, especially if it is not deserved. It has been mentioned in a Hadith (to the nearest meaning):
"Whenever a person curses another, the curse travels up to the skies and if the person is deserving of it then it is accepted and if not then it goes back to the person who initially said it."
- Backbiting
"Backbiting is when a person speaks of another that he would dislike it and if it is not true then indeed you have slandered him."
It has been mentioned in the Quran:
"Oh you who Believe, avoid suspicion, indeed some suspicion is sin. And spy not on one another nor backbite. Would (one of) you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother. Nay you would detest it!! And fear Allah, verily Allah is the One who accepts repentance, (He is) Most Merciful." (49:12)
Remember that backbiting is not only done with the tongue, any gesture of the hands or eyes can be considered as backbiting.
Backbiting violates both the rights of people and of Allah. This is because when a person backbites they do not only have to ask Allah for forgiveness but from the person, since Allah will not forgive until the person has forgiven. If the person who one has wronged is no longer alive or is untraceable then dua must be made for them.
Anas (RA) reports that the Prophet (SAW) said, "Ransom must be paid for backbiting, this is to make dua for their forgiveness by saying, 'Oh Allah forgive my sins and and his/her sins too'."
During Miraaj, the Prophet (SAW) saw people who had nails made out of copper and were tearing at their faces and chests. The Prophet (SAW) asked Jibraeel (AS) about them. He said, "they are being punished because they used to eat the flesh of others (i.e. they used to backbite)."
NOTE: Listening to others backbite is the same as backbiting yourself; either stop them or walk away from the situation.
Just think, how would we feel if we heard someone backbiting about us?
We often passionatley defend pourselves yet are quick to point out the faults in others without giving our own flaws any consideration. We hate being spoken about (unless it is good!) but without thinking we backbite about others. We should bring the fear of Allah into our hearts and think before speaking.
Also, saying "I can say it to her face if I wanted to" is no excuse at all!!
Remember, that if you backbite about someone and they do not forgive you, then on the Day of Judgement, that person can take away all of your good deeds and give you their bad deeds..
Think, is it really worth it??
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